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Why haven't I received an order confirmation email?

Don't worry if you haven't received your order confirmation email straight away. We need some time to process the order and once it will be done you will receive an email.

If it has been more than two days, please contact us, maybe your email address has been misspelled.

How can I track my order?

We offer a trackable shipping on all orders so you will be able to check when your package will be delivered to your local post office or straight to your place.

You can check the location of your order here using your order number and email. Or you can check order status in order confirmation email.

Usually orders are delivered according to Delivery time. If the package is late, we suggest contacting your local post office. If it won't arrive at all, please click here.

What do I do if I receive a faulty item in my order?

We are willing to sort out any issues with faulty items. If you have discovered a fault, you can return the item for a refund or exchange, simply click here.

For more information check out our Return Policy.

For more information, please contact our Customer Care.


How can I pay for my order?

You can use any of payment methods listed below. All your information is under protection, as we take the security very seriously.

Examples cards: Visa, MasterCard, DiScover, AmericanExpress

We take fraud very serious as well, that's why all the credit card holders are checked by our security system and go through validation and authorization by both us and the card issuer.

If you're trying to checkout with gift card, please click here to find out more information about it.

If you want to apply a promo code, we would like to recall that you can use only one code per order and there are no exceptions.

I have a promo code, how can I apply it to my order?

To get the discount you should type in the discount/promo code exactly as it was given to you, without any spaces and punctuation marks unless they are in the code. Type in or copy and paste the code into the special ''Discount'' box at the checkout. Once you have entered the code, click ''Apply'' button and the total will change according to the promo value.

IMPORTANT: If you won't apply the promo code while placing the order, it won't be possible to get the discount afterwards.

If you cannot apply the promo code for some reason, please check following:

* You can use only one discount/promo code per order.

* You can't use the discount/promo code while purchasing the gift card.

* All our discount/promo codes vary, so do the terms and conditions, so make sure you check them before using the code. Codes might be valid only for certain items and have an expiry date. The terms and conditions can be found in the same place as the discount/promo code whether it will be our website, social media or email.

If the code still doesn't work, please contact our Customer Care.

How can I get a discount?

We recommended to check our website from time to time as we often have some great promotions and discounts.

If you are interested in promo and discount codes, we send them in our subscription emails. Also you can find some codes on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages.

Sometimes we send the personal discount codes that can be used personally by the client, this is explained in Terms and Conditions.


Why was my order divided into several parcels?

We strive to only ship complete orders. However, in particular cases, your order can be split into several packages. This is mainly caused by different supply warehouse's locations. In this case you will be provided with two or more tracking numbers.

Will I be charged customs fees?

In most cases, customs fees do not apply. The customer is responsible for all customs fees. Namples.com has no control over those fees and we can't tell you what the cost might be.

Please contact your local customs agency for more information.

How can I track my order?

We offer a trackable shipping on all orders so you will be able to check when your package wiil be delivered to your local post office or straight to your place.

You can check the location of your order here using your order number and email. Or you can check order status in order confirmation email.

Usually orders are delivered according to Delivery time. If the package is late, we suggest contacting your local post office. If it won't arrive at all, please click here.

Which countries don't you deliver to?

Unfortunately, we don't deliver to Albania, Algeria, Belarus, Hong Kong, Kosovo, Morocco, Tunisia.


What's your return policy?

* You can return anything for refund, exchange or gift within 30 days of order placement.

* The price you've paid for the item(s) except for the cost of shipping will be refunded to your original payment method. It might take up to 7 business days to be reflected on your account.

* In cases when you have received wrong or faulty goods, please contact us and let us know of the issue before returning them.

* The goods should be in their original condition and have the original tags attached.

* We can issue the refund only after the return package is delivered to our warehouse and processed.

* In the unlikely event that something is returned to us in improper condition, we may have to send it back.

* All the returned goods are inspected.

* The goods are at your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so please make sure they are packed properly and can't get damaged on the way.

* We are not responsible for the goods that were returned to us by mistake.

* The processing of returned goods might take up to 1 business day.

* After you have finished the return procedure on our website, check your email and print out shipping label and return form attached to the letter.

* Orders with a 50% discount or more are non-returnable.

Have you received my return parcel?

As soon as your return parcel will be received and processed, we will send you an email confirmation. The processing of returned goods might take up to 1 business day.

In the unlikely event that you haven't received the confirmation within the time the package has been delivered and 24 hours have passed already, please contact our Customer Care and we will answer you as soon as possible.

While contacting us, please write your order number, which of the purchased items you have returned as well as all tracking numbers, that you received from your shipping carrier. Our answer might take some time but we will do everything possible to solve the problem.


How do I choose the correct size?

We are trying to help you to choose the clothes that will fit you. Before placing an order please check out the size guide to make sure that the size you purchase is right for you. To make sure you choose what will fit you, we have placed the size chart on pages of most products from our collections.

Which standard are sizes on your website?

All sizes on our webpage are US standard.

At the moment some clothes are used in the production of Asian marking size, which are two sizes smaller than US standard. For your convenience, the sizes on our website are already converted to US standard sizes.